
A writer, director, producer and editor. I add a Thai chili to my scrambled eggs. It makes all the difference.

Photo by Sam MacNeil.


Alexander Cruz

Good day.

I finished an MA in Media Production at Toronto Metropolitan University in 2009 but who cares. I learned most of what I know from being in life’s pressure cooker: days on-set, the workplace, laying on my apartment futon, crossing the Alexandra bridge at night after a few, and my wooden balcony where I smoke cigars on rainy days. If you’re curious about my moniker, Quebexico is an inside joke. Hull is a halfway house between pur laine Quebec and a city of new immigrants. It interests me, and I like living here.

I’m interested in our ability to create meaning out of brokenness. We heal through storytelling, which humans are innately good at. Stories help us navigate a world of chaos. They can break us down, or fortify our resolve. Writing is a means for me to work out problems in my life. Storytelling is a kind of math of the soul.

I have a day job where I produce video for a government department. This is 2022, after all, and finding one’s voice requires a lot of experimentation. In essence, I am a humanist at heart and try to infuse all of my work—personal, creative, and corporate—with that feeling. Without connection, we have nothing.

I’ve won many awards as an independent filmmaker, and mentored students at the high school and undergraduate levels, and adults trying to find their way as artists just like me. Apart from critical and financial success, giving my time and energy to those who have similar ambitions and desires makes it worthwhile. I have met many successful and emerging artists over the years, and they are a particular crowd. The ones who succeed are cursed, and those who give up, may have saved themselves a lot of heartache. Either/or, it is my duty to help people on their path, regardless of where it ends up.  




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